Greenbriar Park, Chantilly

3:00P.M. for 13 minutes

Temperature: 75° F

Humidity: 67%

2 May 2016

I had high hopes for Greenbiar Park, as it looked beautifully situated among acres of woods. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a sports park, with a few short paths through small copses of trees.

Those acres of woods turned out to be the forest enclosing Rocky Run Stream Valley Trail, which you can't actually drive to. The trail itself connects to several developments, but there's no parking lot.

In any event, I wouldn't drive to Greenbriar specifically to hike, though if you do come, look for the path in the woods near the tennis courts. It's clearly made by people -- it's more of a deer trail -- but it will at least take you on a 2-minute walk through lightly forested woods.

The park does include a full bathroom facility.