4:00P.M. for 28 minutes
Temperature: 77° F
Humidity: 54%
A lovely day: two straight weeks of rain culminated in a bright, sunny afternoon. I still felt like I was hiking through water, but I'll take that over constant drizzle.
I've been to this park several times, but this time I discovered several out-of-the-way trails. They all lead off the main trail at the top of the hill, and they're blink-and-you'll-miss-them paths that wind down the other side of the hill, closer to traffic. Construction vehicles squealed and lumbered nearby, like angry dinosaurs, but the trails themselves were empty and looked almost disused.
Fortunately, these smaller trails are several feet wide and easy to walk, though some of them trail blazes. Still, the park's so small you're not exactly going to get lost for hours.