12:25A.M. for 14 minutes
Temperature: 88° F
Humidity: 52%
Nottoway Park turns out to be mostly sports park, but there's a small trail winding through a large swath of woods.
I drove as far into the park as I could, and found the start of a trail there, near the dumpsters (!). It continues a little further to another sports field, then back in the other direction towards the entrance to the park.
Overall, the trail is an easy 10 minute walk end to end, and from the entrance you can walk back to the parking lot on a paved sidewalk, though it's almost entirely in the sun.
The path is absurdly wide--about 15 feet--and paved throughout, so it's not exactly a tough walk. And the large number of sports fields--basketball, tennis, baseball--means that there are plenty of bathroom facilities.
It's a nice, modern park with a nice, little walk.