1:56P.M. for 26 minutes
Temperature: 83° F
Humidity: 52%
I still adore this park. It's a hiker's park, with just enough rolling hillocks to create ever-changing variety as you walk, and it's crossed by a stream to add even more visual interest.
It's big, too. I spent nearly half an hour here and only explored I think about a third of the park. I took a right as I entered and just kept to that path, staying on what appeared to be the edge of the park the whole way.
After about 15 minutes I discovered that the park connects to a housing development and a charming little mulched path running along a white fence. Not much to see or do here; just a fun thing to discover.
We had rain a couple of days ago, and there were still a few soft patches in the ground here. You'll definitely attract some mud if it rains here.