5:55P.M. for 15 minutes
Temperature: 68° F
Humidity: 45%
Not much to describe about Trailside that I didn't say previously. Despite being on a Sunday afternoon, there wasn't much activity here; just one baseball game, plus a handful of kids at the playground, and a couple of people on the W&OD Trail.
Not that I'm complaining.
That said, I saw again today that situational awareness is a remarkably useful skill.
As I walked a small section of the W&OD Trail, two deer leapt out of the brush not 100 feet ahead of me, and disappeared into the brush on the other side. I approached cautiously, and saw that one of them stood in a small break in the bushes, only a few dozen feet away. I stopped to watch her, leaning on my staff.
Two different people approached on the trail from opposite directions. They each saw me, glanced briefly at the woods way before they could have seen the deer, then just continued walking right past it. Never even saw it.