Sugarland Run Stream Valley Park, Reston

12:50A.M. for 1 hour, 5 minutes

Temperature: 80° F

Humidity: 57%

7 October 2017



Ah-ha! After two previous trips where I had to park at a tiny neighborhood park, then cross a neighborhood to access these trails, I found another access point.

Set your GPS to 1164 Millwood Pond Drive in Herndon. Don't park there; just continue down the street and you'll see a cul-de-sac. Park in the cul-de-sac, where two breaks in the nearby bushes take you onto the trail.

This is technically just a way to get onto the extensive Sugarland Run trail, which connects a number of small "parks" that are basically just strips of trees on either side of Sugarland Run stream. It runs for miles, and while you're never very far from a house, the developers blessedly left just enough trees to keep the houses at bay.

It's a very pleasant walk, easy for dogs. Bicycles might struggle with the many roots that force certain segments of the trail into rumble strips, but it's certainly usable.

The incessantly sunny, 80-degree weather kept the trail clear. While paved, a few sections are close enough to dirt mounds that they might get muddy with or after significant rain.