2:19P.M. for 45 minutes
Temperature: 77° F
Humidity: 50%
This time, instead of driving around to the marina, I parked in the gravel lot next to the awesome big suspended track. Studiously following the posted signs' warning not to climb on the suspended track, I hiked on the paved trail around to the left of the lake, instead of going right.
It's similar to the other path, wide and paved, though it doesn't hug the lake for quite as long. Soon, the woods envelop you and you can't even see the lake, though you can almost always see a house to your left, and there's almost always somebody else on the trail.
The one disadvantage I've found so far in Annandale Community Park, at least for an introvert like me, is its popularity. You're rarely alone on the trail; there's almost always at least somebody in the distance on a bike or out for their jog. Also, the trails never get too far from either the water or civilization.
Which is likely comforting for some, but for me, I never really feel like I'm in nature, more like a back yard. Ah well.